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보통 책상 높이는 거의 일정한데요. 대략 70Cm 정도의 높이 제품이 많아요. 위 아래로 움직이는 책상이 있...
컴퓨터 수리하다보면, 허리를 많이 숙여서 작업할 경우가 많은데요. 허리를 조금 덜 숙일 수 있도록 작업대의 높이를 올려봤습니다. 움직이는 책상을 구입하려면, 비용이 많이 드는데요. 이렇게 박스를 놔서 임의로 높이를 조정해서 사용해도 스탠드 책상과 동일한 효과를 볼 수 있습니다. 심지어, 서랍장을 만들 수도 있기 때문에 여분의 정리할 수 있는 공간을 만들 수도 있습니다. (모니터 받침대 2개를 붙으니, 가운데 드라이버를 놓을 수 있는 추가 공간이 생겼습니다.)
컴퓨터 수리 작업대 (컴퓨터 높이 올리기)
컴퓨터 수리하다 보면, 허리를 굽혀서 수리해야 하는 경우가 많은데, 허리를 많이 숙일수록 디스크에 좋지 ...
Increase your computer repair workbench
Dongtan Computer, 2024, March 19, 10:47
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Usually, the height of a desk is almost constant. There are many products that are about 70 cm tall. There are desks that move up and down, but they are quite expensive. Even if the height can be adjusted, if I'm going to use it according to the height I need anyway, I think I should adjust the height of the workstation rather than the desk in motion.
When fixing a computer, if the desk is low, the computer will be repaired in a bent position by bending down a lot, but the posture of bending down is not good for the disk. (It's worse to sit in the wrong position for a long time.) To ease the burden on my back by repairing the computer, I have installed a monitor box on the worktable as below.
The height of the box has not increased that much, but if you put the computer body on top of it, you can work with your waist down less, so it's easier to work with less pressure on your waist. The monitor box was also filled with a small box (power supply bin box) to withstand the weight of the computer.
Increase the workbench with the monitor box
Below is the main repair workstation, and I bought two two two-tier monitor stands and use them with box tape. It's nice to have a drawer in the middle, so there's a place to store drivers and frequently used tools. It's a place to put up the computer, so I've also installed cushions to prevent shocks and scratches.
I'm using two two-stage monitor pedestals as one. The cushion above was folded and laid in half with a foot washing pad.
In computer repair, there are many cases where you have to bend your back to repair it, but the more you bend your back, the more pressure it puts on the disk, so I slightly raised the repair table. (During the daily life of Anjeokcheon Stream, the life of bending less, bending slowly - Professor Jeong Seong-geun)
Below are two monitor stands I bought from Ali. I'm going to connect two monitor stands and use them. If there is a desk or drawer of a suitable height, you can use it as an alternative, but it's not easy to find a low desk. refreshments? I should look for something like this, but such furniture is very expensive, so I bought two cost-effective monitor stands and tap them to use them.
The height of the 27-inch monitor box below is appropriate. The width of the monitor box is appropriate. The spaciousness of the work space feels like it is increasing.
Monitor pedestal ordered from Ali and 27 inch monitor box below
Even though it was shipped from China, the product was wooden, so it arrived safely without being damaged. The wood material seems to be MDF plywood. It's cheap, so I'm satisfied with this. If you need wall-mounted plywood, I think you can order a monitor stand.
The quality is better than I thought.
There was a lot of dust on the product, so I wiped it off with a wet tissue.
There was a foreign substance on the tree, so I wiped it once with wet wipes.
I'm assembling a monitor pedestal. It's easy to assemble with a screwdriver. I've already drilled all the screw holes.
The middle plate was assembled first, and the top plate was assembled.
I opened it with the second box, wiped off the dust, and put it together.
The second product has a little less dust.
Assembly is drilled so that anyone can do it with a driver. It is easy to work with an electric driver.
I'm going to stack two of them together and use them.
I layered them up, put them on the worktop, and put the computer on top. It's nice that you can fix them even if you bend your back less.
I'm putting my computer and checking if the height is appropriate.
The two monitor supports were taped together with scotch tape. You can buy a flat-head hinge and screw it in, but it's a coated surface, so the adhesion of the box tape is wonderful.
I applied it with scotch tape and attached two tables. The surface is smooth, so it sticks well and does not come off well.
I also put a scratch-resistant mat on the table. If I have a soft sponge cushion, I'm thinking of replacing it later. It's a space for my computer to be put on, so I'd like an elastic floor. (Something like a soft foot mat on the desk.)
Anti-slip / anti-scratch pads are placed on the top (Daiso sells)
The height of the monitor stand is about 13 cm. It's 40 cm by 50 cm, so I don't think there were any ready-made products with mats this size. I think I'll have to look for it separately.
I overlapped the two tables and measured the size. The height is about 13 centimeters, 40 centimeters by 50 centimeters.
Non-slip pads are attached under the table to prevent slipping on the table.
I also attached a non-slip pad. I also closed the screw hole with that pad.
It's a two-stage monitor stand, so there's a new space underneath. There's room for drivers and accessories to cross-test.
There is an empty space in the middle of the table.
I'm putting the computer on the monitor stand and checking again to see if the height is right.
As the computer got higher, it became difficult to take out the tools attached to the wall.
It's inconvenient because the height of the computer has gone up, and it's far from removing work tools from the wall. I'll have to find a way to store my favorite tools in a space under the table.
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